Friday, June 29, 2007

Patti and Robby - When they were REALLY cute.

That was just a little too sloppy for me. Let's try another one.

Here's a favorite picture of my kiddos - Patti and Robby. They are much bigger now, but when I look at this picture I remember when they didn't talk back, followed directions and were helpful. It was also a time when Mom and Dad weren't the stupidest people on the planet. A very nice time.


Janet said...

Hi, Cathy,
Loved the photo! Your children are so gorgeous. Hope everyone's doing well. What a nice way to stay in touch with everybody.
Juggling with Janet

scrapping addict said...

Janet -

Thanks for the comment. Unfortunately, they have grown up quite a lot since that photo was taken. It is one of my favorites thought.

Hope you are doing well, too.